Friday 9 May 2008

Lost star eager to leave 'paradise'

Lost star eager to leave 'paradise'

'Lost' star Saint Matthew Charles James Fox has become the latest cast member to unveil that he's aegir to complete motion-picture photography the series because he's sick of its Hawaii location.
Colleague worker Evangeline Lilly late confessed that she did non enjoy working on the series' Oahu Island set because she is allergic to so many things on that point.
Now Fox has admitted he no yearner likes sustenance at that place piece cinematography.
He said: "I've been living in Hawaii for three-and-a-half years now and it's not actually shangri-la any longer. Throwing snowballs on a mountain top is now my idea of paradise. I enjoy acquiring off the island.
"It's a beautiful place and my kids ar happy thither and it's been a good stead for us to be for the past trey years... just it's non a place we're gonna stay on subsequently 'Lost' is finished."
However, Fox has admitted that the john Major benefit of existence a Hawaiian resident is the fact that he is not bothered by paparazzi.
He added: "One thing that was beneficial in Hawaii was I didn't get the whole paparazzi thing in my daily life and photographs of my kids. If it happened it would be very rare."
"There's non a draw of paparazzi world Health Organization need to do the 2,500 mi trek into the S Pacific to engender a picture of me walking on the beach. I think if I was life in Los Angeles it would be more difficult for me."