People reports that J & C got a bunch of furniture delivered to their new house, including a leather recliner, a leather sofa, and a king-size canopy bed. The nursery for the Spears rugrat also has in interesting color scheme: pink, brown, and "silver-green."
The best part? Their new property has a studio (which used to a hair salon) – and a barn. Of course it does.
Papa Joe –- Selling Romo Like AshPete?

Us Weekly says that Joe asked Romo to ditch his agent and let him manage his career – oh and by the way, Tony has a $67 mil contract with the Dallas Cowboys. And that's not all –- Joe apparently offered to sell the story of Jess and Tony's engagement and subsequent wedding to a magazine.
One little problem: they're not engaged yet.
If Only Paris Hilton Knew About This

It's a dietary supplement in powder form (no, not cocaine) that you mix with water, and its makers claim that it'll reduce your blood alcohol level – not to mention the hangover the next day. Plus all that redness that Asian folks get?
No word on how long it will take Sobrietol to put TMZ out of business.
See Also